The projects of the Education Agenda NS-Injustice

The projects of the Education Agenda NS-Injustice render visible the fates of persecuted people and groups – with a special focus on those who have received only little public attention so far. This results in cultural and digital formats that promote exchange and call for participation.

Education in Cultural Spaces

Education in Digital Spaces

  • Philipps-Universität Marburg

    Anti-black racism cannot be seen as a new phenomenon in our contemporary society. This is particularly evident in the far-reaching, historically transformed lines of continuity. These continuities and interdependencies will be highlighted and developed in the project via multi-faceted perspectives. For this purpose, the project will use examples and biographies of people of color, such as Hagar Martin Brown, persecuted during the National Socialist era.

  • RAA Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

    The biographical memories of survivors and the historical sites of violence and persecution constitute important pillars of our culture of remembrance. The system and ideology of National Socialism become comprehensible due to their preserved testimonies. Future generations are invited to search for traces and explore their own questions. überLEBENSWEGE combines a local and biographical search for traces with digital spaces of remembrance that can provide correlations of understanding beyond borders.

  • Gedenkstätten Gestapokeller und Augustaschacht

    In cooperation with numerous partners, the project explores the locations of NS forced labor camps on soccer pitches and sports fields in Germany and Austria with the aim of bringing them to the attention of a large public. The project, which is being carried out jointly by the Augustaschacht and Gestapokeller memorial sites, is designed to reach interested people through the everyday phenomenon of soccer and to encourage their interest and motivation in coming to terms with forced labor camps. Thereby, on the one hand, previous commitment is bundled and, on the other hand, a dealing with this chapter of the history of soccer pitches and sports fields will be initiated.

  • Dekoder

    The project "The War and its Victims" addresses the crimes against the civilian population during World War II in the territories of the Soviet Union under the National Socialist occupation. The Holocaust, forced labor or the targeted burning of villages - all these and other acts of violence committed during the war of extermination against the Soviet Union are often neglected in the public consciousness.

  • Freunde und Förderer des Leo Baeck Instituts e. V.

    The Leo Baeck Institutes in Jerusalem and London and the "Freunde und Förderer des Leo Baeck Instituts" [Friends and Sponsors of the Leo Baeck Institute] are dedicating a digital exhibition to the history of the destroyed library of the Berlin Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums [Higher Institute for Jewish Studies] in Berlin (from 1872 to 1942). Today, the remains of the library are scattered all over the world. As part of a supporting international campaign, the public is invited to help in the search for property stolen by the National Socialists. Decentralized physical installations supplement the online exhibition at the current whereabouts of the books.

  • Theater Kampnagel Hamburg

    Kampnagel represents contemporary performance, dance and theater in Hamburg for 40 years. So far, there is little evidence of the site's past during the National Socialist era. In the project Kampnagel is regarded as a place of remembrance and also of encounter and the history is reviewed. In doing so, an innovative prototype will be developed which demonstrates a cultural center's critical examination of its own history in the sense of a pioneering, responsible culture of remembrance.

  • Berghof Foundation

    The project "ErinnerungZeit" intends to do more than commemorate the victims of National Socialist injustice. The Berghof Foundation's animated graphic novel creates a digital, peace educational space which promotes critical historical awareness as well as media literacy among young people aged 12 to 17. The graphic novel contributes to a multi-perspective, inclusive and participatory National Socialist culture of remembrance in German-speaking countries.

  • Brandenburg Society for Culture and History

    How can historical eyewitnesses from the National Socialist era be encountered in the future? Possible applications, opportunities, and challenges for the future role of volumetrically recorded interviews of historical eyewitnesses from the National Socialist era will be tested and presented in the field of history education in and outside of schools.


  • Cologne Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation

    Spiegel, Stern, Henri Nannen or the inventor of Tagesthemen [German daily news program] - all of them have a National Socialist background. Nevertheless, antisemitism was not born out of nowhere in 1933 and did not disappear in 1945. Whether before, during or after the National Socialist era, mass media had an important part in the spread of antisemitic images and narratives. Have they been under pressure, or did they exert pressure? And what lessons can we learn from history?

  • Stiftung Polnisch-Deutsche Aussöhnung & Deutsches Polen Institut

    The Polish-German cooperation project aims to establish a comprehensive multilingual database and internet platform with all available information on victims of National Socialism originating from Poland. This information will be used as a basis for initiatives in the field of culture of remembrance from all over Germany in order to develop educational formats to keep the memory of this chapter of German-Polish history alive.

  • the Verband Deutscher Sinti und Roma - Landesverband Bayern [Association of German Sinti and Roma - Bavarian Regional Association]

    Using the stock of the approximately 1,000 reparation files of the bayerische Landesverband, the process of reparation after 1945 up to the present will be illustrated using a multi-perspective approach. The project aims to digitize and scientifically analyze the reparation files in compliance with research ethics and data protection regulations.

  • The Foundation of Hamburg Memorials and Learning Centres Commemorating the Victims of Nazi Crimes

    The pilot project "Welche Stimme haben wir?" aims to involve descendants of the victims of National Socialist persecution with their diverse range of experiences, perspectives and wishes in memorial site and memory work. New, innovative and exemplary exhibition modules, educational materials as well as other outreach formats for memorial site work are being developed in skills workshops together with the descendants of victims of National Socialist persecution.

  • Foundation of the European University Viadrina

    Under National Socialism, hundreds of thousands of cultural assets were forcibly sold, stolen, expropriated. The Allied restitution legislation attempted to reverse this theft. The project examines the principles practiced at the time and their afterlife in the so-called "Handreichung".

  • Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ)

    Antisemitism is a problem for society as a whole – and countering this problem requires a joint effort by all societal players. We want to start in the midst of society, where thousands of people with the most diverse backgrounds meet every day: the workplace.


  • n-ost Network for Border Crossing Journalism

    Propaganda and violence against LGBTIQ+ people is on the rise, and the media play a key role in the spread of homophobic and transphobic narratives. “History Unit: Reframing Queer Narratives in Media” addresses this responsibility in the context of the persecution of queer people under National Socialism, as well as in today’s political realities. The project’s aim is to enrich the public discourse with historical perspectives and to get the mainstream media to unequivocally condemn any queer-hostile rhetoric.

  • Universität Wien

    People had and have to leave their homes for a variety of reasons: climate change, economic or political instability, persecution or war. Our project is focused on stories of escape told by people who have become victims of National Socialist injustice. In this context, we extend the time frame beyond the wartime years: Racist and political discrimination and persecution forced people to flee since the seizure of power – and for many of them, their journey did not end in 1945. However, who are these refugees, what paths did they follow, and how did they deal with their experiences?

  • Stiftung "Teatro Joven"

    Collaboration and resistance determine the shapes and forms of Nazi injustice in Europe. Together with artists from Greece, Germany, Spain and Ukraine, we will look at lesser-known fates of persecution in numerous workshops and in the production of three theatre productions with the theatre directors Prodromos Tsinikoris (Greece), Stas Zhyrkov (Ukraine/Germany) and José Luis Arellano García (Spain). We will look critically at our traditions of remembrance and, with the means of artistic education in order to jointly open up a European space of remembrance. Shows in different countries, particularly targeted to teenagers, alongside a digital strategy of sharing artistic productions, will reach a big audience across Europe.

  • Human Rights Institute

    The aim of the Informal Participatory Education on Holocaust (IPEH) project is to involve young people in innovative and creative ways of remembrance of the Holocaust (including Sinti/Roma and LGBT victims) focused on local aspects and stories of victims, bringing personalised and participatory learning experience on social media platforms they prefer, thus making young people agents of change in their environments by tapping the potential of the online sphere and bringing education activities to larger target audiences.

  • Centropa

    The project will open up new ways of remembrance of Jewish life in Germany, Poland and Serbia. Jewish biographies from the Centropa archive will be researched by young people and processed with artistic approaches in remembrance projects which include places of Jewish life and activity in the cities of Bielsko-Biała, Kielce, Belgrade, Berlin, and Mannheim.

  • Touro University Berlin

    The transnational oral history project is the first to generate academically sound knowledge about the effects of German "reparations" on survivors and their relatives. The basis for this are video interviews with statements from survivors and/or their descendants coming from five countries: Germany, Poland, Israel, Belgium and the area of the former Soviet Union focusing, specifically on Ukraine. Partner organizations will conduct the interviews on site and then analyze them scientifically.

Project archive