News from the Foundation

  1. Tamara Or

    Executive Director at German-Israeli Future Forum, talks about perspectives and future for youth exchange between Germany and Israel.

  2. No Place for Hate: Display case in Berlin-Moabit

    A display case on Jewish life in Berlin-Moabit was destroyed in an arson attack in November. The exhibition on display there focused in particular on the "Moabit Hospital" and its Jewish employees. Thomas Schöndorfer from the association "Sie waren Nachbarn" talks about the association's work and its fight against anti-Semitism.

  3. No Place for Hate: Jens-Christian Wagner

    For the section "No place for hate", Prof. Dr. Jens-Christian Wagner, the Director of the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation, talked about the increasing attacks on places of commemoration, civil courage and a "climate change in the politics of remembrance".

Our events

Our events

  1. International Conference in Berlin

    How can NS-history be conveyed using digital tools? The conference is dedicated to the topic of digitality and the culture of remembrance. It offers the opportunity to exchange ideas based on the content and topics of the YOUTH Remembers International funding program and the digital projects of the Education Agenda NS-Injustice. Over the two days, workshops, discussion rounds and testing of digital tools as well as networking opportunities are on the agenda. The conference will be held in English.