News from the Foundation

  • Newsletter EVZ Foundation

    The EVZ newsletter is out now!

    In this issue, you can read how our partners on the ground in Ukraine are demonstrating how democratic engagement and solidarity can be realised under the most adverse conditions. Discover our new podcast 'Trümmer & Träume' and background on the situation of civil society in Belarus.

  • Second Edition

    Magazine of the Education Agenda NS-Injustice

    80 years after the end of the World War II, this is more important than ever: Without the generation of survivors and with increasing distance in time, we are losing knowledge about National Socialist history. The 2nd edition of the magazine shows how the funding program and its projects are addressing these challenges: in reports and interviews.

Fields of Activities and its Clusters

#EVZsupported: News from our projects

#EVZsupported: News from our projects

Education Agenda on NS Injustice