YOUNG PEOPLE remember international

The program enables young people to enter into a critical examination of history. Transnational learning at historical sites of National Socialist persecution and extermination and also matters of European culture(s) of remembrance are at the center of the program. Funding is provided for memorial sites, educational institutions and NGOs in Germany, Europe and Israel.

The funding program YOUNG PEOPLE remember international is to be financed with resources from the German Foreign Office from 2023 to 2025.

The funding lines

[re]create digital history

The funding line [re]create digital history focuses on digital formats that open up sites of remembrance and learning relating to National Socialist persecution and extermination for international civic education on a sustainable basis. With digital tools and applications, the projects further develop historical places for a low-threshold and location-independent teaching of National Socialist history in international youth exchange in a complementary way.


  1. Remembering Max Mannheimer

    Project title: Max Mannheimer - Dimensions of a Lifetime

    Organisation: Max Mannheimer Study Centre, Dachau

    Cooperation partner: Fundacja na Rzecz MDSM Oswiecim

  2. Queer Identities

    Project title: Queer Identities in Darkest Times

    Organisation: Educat e.V., Berlin

    Cooperation partners: Cornucopiaroot Associacao, Jugendnetzwerk LAMBDA Berlin-Brandenburg e.V., Hors Pistes

  3. Virtual Remembrance

    Project title: Hybrid Pathways // Shared Histories

    Organisation: Europäische Akademie Berlin

    Cooperation partners: Museum "Jews in Latvia", Association "Goral"

  4. Memorials online

    Project title: Short Videos, Lasting Memories

    Organisation: democ e.V.

    Cooperation partners: Fundacja na Rzecz MDSM Oswiecim, Mauthausen Memorial, Yad Mordechai Museum

  5. Connect virtually

    Project title: Light of the Fireflies - Archeology of Memory

    Organisation: Association Free Zone

    Cooperation partners: spreeagenten e.V., Udruzenje za drustvenu istoriju-Euroclio (SRB), Centar za primenjenu istoriju (SRB)

Augmented Reality

[re]act finding memories

The funding line [re]act finding memories focuses on bilateral and multilateral youth encounters for young people between 14 and 35 years of age, as well as professional exchanges for disseminators. We support projects that deal with National Socialist history in a multiperspective, transnational, and interdisciplinary way using contemporary methods as well as groundbreaking concepts.


  1. Voids of Remembrance

    Project title: Voids of Remembrance

    Organisation: Akademie am Tönsberg

    Cooperation partners: Shamir Association, Erinnern für die Zukunft e.V., Bund Deutscher Pfadfinder_innen Landesverband Bremen-Niedersachsen e.V.

  2. Queer Remembrance

    Project title: Remembrance Podcasts - Persecution of queer people under National Socialism

    Organisation: Deutsche Gesellschaft e. V.

    Cooperation partner: GFPS-Polska Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Kulturalne w Europie Srodkowej i Wschodniej


  3. Time to Remember

    Project title: Time to Remember - Shaping History Through Art and Education

    Organisation: TENET Center for Social Transformations

    Cooperation partner: Bildungswerk für Friedensarbeit e.V.

  4. Teaching History

    Project title: Oblivion to Awareness - Youth and the Roma Holocaust

    Organisation: Regional Roma Educational Youth Association – RROMA

    Cooperation partners: Amaro Drom e.V., Association of Citizens "Tackagledista" - "Point of View"

  5. Auschwitz today

    [Translate to Englisch:]

    Projekttitel: Auschwitz - Architecture of Hope on Ruins of Death

    Träger: Schulverein des Helmut-Schmidt-Gymnasiums e.V.

    Kooperationspartner: Sha'a Ha Negev Highschool in Sderot, Jaffa Theatre in Tel Aviv Jaffa, Almehabash Theatre 

  6. Life and Survival

    [Translate to Englisch:]

    Projektitel: Life and Survival - Kunst als Ausdrucksform und Ãœberlebensstrategie

    Träger: Margaretha-Rothe-Gymnasium Hamburg

    Kooperationspartner: Metukenet 

  7. Remembering Porajmos

    [Translate to Englisch:]

    Projekttitel: Memory of the Holocaust of Roma and Sinti 

    Träger: POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews

    Kooperationspartner: European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC) Berlin, Fundacja w StronÄ™ Dialogu – The Towards Dialogue Foundation Krakau, Museum of Romani Culture Brno

  8. War then and now

    [Translate to Englisch:]

    Projekttitel: History in Conflict through the Peace Caravan - International Youth Exchange on the Study of History

    Träger: ijgd Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste Landesverein Berlin e.V. 

    Kooperationspartner: Centar za primenjenu istoriju (SRB), The Ghetto's Fighters' House Museum

  9. International Commemoration

    [Translate to Englisch:]

    Projekttitel: Unveiling Aktion Reinhardt - A Multi-Perspective Exploration

    Träger: Osrodek "Brama Grodzka - Teatr NN" w Lublinie

    Kooperationspartner Gedenk- und Bildungsstätte Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz

  10. Building Bridges

    [Translate to Englisch:]

    Projekttitel: Building Bridges of Remembrance

    Träger: Goethe-Institut Prag

    Kooperationspartner: Developers Association Czech Republic (Asociace ceských herních vývojáru, z.s.)

  11. International Remembrance

    [Translate to Englisch:]

    Projekttitel: Remembering the Past - Building Bridges

    Träger: Centropa - Zentrum für jüdische Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts e.V.

    Kooperationspartner: DGJW, Leo Baeck Education Center

  12. Eva Goldberg

    [Translate to Englisch:]

    Projekttitel: Spurensuche zu Eva Goldberg

    Träger: CaTeeDrale e.V. Görlitz

    Kooperationspartner: Fortesia (Fortress) Ternopil, Fundacja Kuznia Zgorzelec

  13. Max Livni

    [Translate to Englisch:]

    Projekttitel: From Prague to Prague

    Träger: Memos e. V. Berlin

    Kooperationspartner: Theresienstadt Martyrs Remembrance, Association Emeq Hefer, Europäische Holocaustgedenkstätte, Stiftung e.V. Landsberg

  14. Liberation Route

    Project title: Liberation Route

    Organisation: Inwole e.V. Potsdam

    Cooperation partners: Youth Center CK13 Novi Sad, Museum of Vojvodina Novi Sad

  15. Bridge to a new home

    Project title: Bridge to a new home

    Organisation: Akademie am Tönsberg e.V. 

    Cooperation partners: Dokumentationsstätte Stalag 326 (VI K) Senne e.V., Fundacja Dom Kultury, NGO Kyiv educational center "Tolerspace"


Youth Encounter

[re]shape places of memory

The EVZ Foundation has set up the [re]shape places of memory funding line to specifically address memorial sites in Central Eastern and Southeast Europe and the Baltic region as authentic (learning) spaces of National Socialist history and places for encounters and understanding. With this funding, the Foundation aims to open up these areas more effectively for international youth education and enhance their transnational significance in the context of European cultures of remembrance.


  1. Jasenovac Remembrance

    Project title: Jasenovac Remembrance Initiative

    Organisation: Javna Ustanova Spomen-Podrucje Jasenovac

    Cooperation partners: Kreisau-Initiative e. V., Croatian Education and Developement Network for the Evolution of Communication - HERMES

  2. Spaces of Holocaust

    Project title: Spaces of Holocaust - Majdanek-Belzec-Sobibór

    Organisation: Museum Majdanek (Panstwowe Muzeum na Majdanku)

    Cooperation partners: Stiftung Topographie des Terrors, Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork 

  3. Experience history

    Project title: Immersive learning at the Žanis Lipke Memorial

    Organisation: Å½anis Lipke Memorial

    Cooperation partner: Bergen-Belsen Memorial

Immersive Learning

YOUNG PEOPLE remember international


Helge Theil

Senior Project Manager

Tel.: +49 (0)30 25 92 97-60