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The Foundation capital amounting to DM 10.1 billion (EUR 5.2 billion) was provided by the foundation initiative of the German industry and the Federal Government in equal amounts. Both parties delegate representatives to the Board of Trustees, which is elected every four years. A total of approximately 6,500 companies have participated in the foundation Initiative of the German industry. Some of these companies acted as successors to NS enterprises that used forced laborers. Others had not yet been founded at the time of the National Socialism regime. Individuals also made donations to the initiative, which was dissolved as an institution after payments ended in 2007.
The most significant milestones in the Foundation's history as a timeline
The list below contains all the companies that have participated in the foundation initiative and consented to publication. Some companies made donations anonymously and are consequently not listed; others were renamed after World War II or bought up by other companies. In the case of membership of groups, the subsidiaries are included. If you have any questions - for example concerning the amount of money donated - please contact the companies directly.
List of companies that have contributed amounts to the Foundation Initiative of the German Industry:
Consultant to the Board of Directors
Tel.: +49 (0)30 25 92 97-48
E-Mail: bock@stiftung-evz.de