The project "ErinnerungZeit" intends to do more than commemorate the victims of National Socialist injustice. The Berghof Foundation's animated graphic novel creates a digital, peace educational space which promotes critical historical awareness as well as media literacy among young people aged 12 to 17. The graphic novel contributes to a multi-perspective, inclusive and participatory National Socialist culture of remembrance in German-speaking countries.
The graphic novel has five narrative strands that focus on the biographies of people whose experiences and perspectives have so far received little attention in German National Socialist memory work: People who, to this day, still experience systematic exclusion, (structural) discrimination and hatred and are hardly heard in the majority society. And also people who, then as now, conscious of their privileges, seek allies in order to oppose discrimination and persecution.
By engaging in a critical examination of the National Socialist state of injustice, its consequences which continue to have an impact today, and also of various forms of resistance, young people are strengthened in their ability to act as active members of a civil society.
The Berghof Foundation
Based in Berlin and Tübingen, the Berghof Foundation is an independent and non-profit NGO. The Berghof Foundation, in cooperation with our partners in conflict and crisis regions, supports conflict parties and other parties in achieving lasting peace with peacebuilding and conflict transformation, peace and conflict research and peace education.
Cooperation partners:
Verband Deutscher Sinti und Roma, Landesverband Baden-Württemberg (VDSR/BW)
Historias Des-Obientes / Asamblea Des-Obientes
KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme
Funding country: Germany
Duration: 01.12.2022 until 30.11.2024