Beredtes Schweigen

After decades of denial and repression, it was not until the 1980s that the Federal Republic of Germany began to deal more intensively with the National Socialist eugenics crimes. The objective of the project is to make the forgotten sites of National Socialist eugenics crimes and the lives of those affected visible, and in doing so to point out the dimension of the crimes. The offerings serve as an incentive to reflect on one's own ways of thinking about and dealing with people with illnesses and disabilities.

Personal encounter with individual fates
The project is based on local biographical work and facilitates a personal encounter with individual fates today, even though hardly any historical eyewitnesses are still available. The events of the time can be traced by many of the participants in their own neighborhood. The events of that time and their consequences can thus be traced by the participants. Their own neighborhood becomes a place of reminder and commemoration.

Reappraisal in public space
The project combines the scientific and artistic examination of the National Socialist eugenics crimes. The participatory and inclusive development of a play makes participation and encounter possible. The creation of a graphic novel and its use in learning materials, in theater and for façade projections complement and enrich the reappraisal by adding a public, creative and emotional aspect. Training courses and workshops as well as an international symposium open up space for discussion and exchange.

The Biology Didactics Working Group at Friedrich Schiller University Jena researches and conducts teaching on issues such as xenophobia, racism and antisemitism as well as extracurricular learning sites. Lernort Weimar e.V. deals with the history of the city of Weimar and the surrounding area and carries out projects for historical-political education with a focus on the Weimar Republic and National Socialism. Stellwerk – junges theater is an independent theater in Weimar. Apart from the daily program, stellwerk organizes courses and workshops for children, adolescents and young adults throughout the year, working with contemporary forms of art and theater. There are also regular collaborations with schools, cultural institutions and other independent sponsors in Weimar and the surrounding area.

Data Sheet

Cooperation partners:
Lernort Weimar e.V.
stellwerk junges theater

Funding country: Germany
Duration: 01.12.2022 until 31.12.2024

Download material to the article â€žBioethische Fragestellungen im Unterricht“ ["Bioethical issues in the classroom"] - MINT Zirkel 1-2024 (in German)

More about the project

Education Agenda NS-Injustice

The Magazine of the Education Agenda NS-InjusticeThe Magazine of the Education Agenda NS-Injustice

The Education Agenda NS-Injustice started in autumn 2021 with two certainties: Firstly, the survivors are passing away; there are few chances today to meet eyewitnesses who can tell us first-hand about the atrocities committed by the National Socialists. Secondly, we are increasingly entering contexts in which boundaries between fiction and fact are blurred. Under these conditions, we are dependent on new ways of learning and innovative forms of conveyance in our critical examination of National Socialist injustice and in historical-political educational work. In the magazine we present the funding program, projects and current debates.