In cooperation with numerous partners, the project explores the locations of NS forced labor camps on soccer pitches and sports fields in Germany and Austria with the aim of bringing them to the attention of a large public. The project, which is being carried out jointly by the Augustaschacht and Gestapokeller memorial sites, is designed to reach interested people through the everyday phenomenon of soccer and to encourage their interest and motivation in coming to terms with forced labor camps. Thereby, on the one hand, previous commitment is bundled and, on the other hand, a dealing with this chapter of the history of soccer pitches and sports fields will be initiated.
The results of the collaboration with fan initiatives, fan projects, civic associations, archives, memorial sites, and other soccer-related and civil society players will be integrated into an interactive map reflecting all researched camp locations. This map is to be expanded with historical material consisting of documents, photographs and interviews with historical eyewitnesses about the respective locations and also provide impulses for continuing educational and project work.
The project sponsors are the Gestapokeller and Augustaschacht memorial sites, which commemorate the violent actions of the Gestapo against forced laborers.
Cooperation partners:
“Tradition lebt von Erinnerung” - Bündnis zur Erinnerungskultur rund um den VfL Osnabrück bestehend aus VfL-Museum, Fanprojekt, Fanabteilung sowie Violet Crew (Ultra-Gruppe)
Funding country: Germany
Duration: 01.12.2022 until 31.12.2024