Post-Holocaust Remedies

The project aims to gain a broader perspective on the unique historical phenomenon of the Holocaust and the legal steps taken by Israel and Germany and international institutions to address the consequences of the tragedy and to optimize future strategies for dealing with the past.

A critical legal approach with elements of legal history and comparative law, combined with an interdisciplinary perspective including Transitional Justice research will enable the total of 25 German, Israeli and Colombian students of the Summer School to be implemented in Israel and Germany to reflect critically on the instruments and measures created. The course material will build on theoretical and practical, political and academic debates. Additional online meetings as well as an international conference will ensure a continuous exchange between students, lecturers and relevant actors from academia, politics and civil society. The inclusion of the victims' perspective will play an elementary role in all phases of the project.

Unique characteristic of the project 

The unique characteristic of this project is the integration of political, compensation-oriented approaches to coping with the consequences of the Holocaust into the curriculum of the Summer School, which will be based on innovative teaching formats. All project participants and actors will be given the opportunity to successively publish academic papers on the topic. A final publication will complement the sustainable transfer of knowledge. All research stages and results as well as the teaching materials will be made available on the project website and can be used by other educational institutions upon request.

One of the current research interests of Prof. Dr. Thilo Marauhn's Chair of Public Law and International Law concerns the question of combating antisemitism by legal means. Of particular importance is the DFG-funded project "Seeing Antisemitism Through Law", which deals with the question of how law confronts antisemitism in Europe and beyond.

Data Sheet

Project leaders:

Prof. Dr. Thilo Marauhn und Dr. Ayşe-Martina Böhringer, Akad. Rätin a.Z., Professur für Öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

Cooperation partners:

Philipps-Universität Marburg
Harry Radzyner Law School, Reichman University

Funding country: Germany
Duration: 01.08.2022 until 31.01.2024

More about the project

Education Agenda NS-Injustice

The Magazine of the Education Agenda NS-InjusticeThe Magazine of the Education Agenda NS-Injustice

The Education Agenda NS-Injustice started in autumn 2021 with two certainties: Firstly, the survivors are passing away; there are few chances today to meet eyewitnesses who can tell us first-hand about the atrocities committed by the National Socialists. Secondly, we are increasingly entering contexts in which boundaries between fiction and fact are blurred. Under these conditions, we are dependent on new ways of learning and innovative forms of conveyance in our critical examination of National Socialist injustice and in historical-political educational work. In the magazine we present the funding program, projects and current debates.