Resistance & Collaboration

Collaboration and resistance determine the shapes and forms of Nazi injustice in Europe. Together with artists from Greece, Germany, Spain and Ukraine, we will look at lesser-known fates of persecution in numerous workshops and in the production of three theatre productions with the theatre directors Prodromos Tsinikoris (Greece), Stas Zhyrkov (Ukraine/Germany) and José Luis Arellano García (Spain). We will look critically at our traditions of remembrance and, with the means of artistic education in order to jointly open up a European space of remembrance. Shows in different countries, particularly targeted to teenagers, alongside a digital strategy of sharing artistic productions, will reach a big audience across Europe.

Collaboration and resistance determine the shapes and forms of Nazi injustice in Europe. Together with artists from Greece, Germany, Spain and Ukraine, we will look at lesser-known fates of persecution in numerous workshops and in the production of three theatre productions with the theatre directors Prodromos Tsinikoris (Greece), Stas Zhyrkov (Ukraine/Germany) and José Luis Arellano García (Spain). We will look critically at our traditions of remembrance and, with the means of artistic education in order to jointly open up a European space of remembrance. Shows in different countries, particularly targeted to teenagers, alongside a digital strategy of sharing artistic productions, will reach a big audience across Europe.

The perspective of "resistance and collaboration" is chosen in order to also critically question the memory traditions of Spain, Germany, Greece and Ukraine. What suffering was caused by the alliance of fascist forces across Europe? The project can be seen as an uncomfortable intervention in entrenched (national) cultures of memory. Therefore the performances also aim to strengthen skills in dealing critically with violent continuities. The artistic research will primarily involve witnesses, representatives of relatives and today's young people. Emotional, artistic and participatory historical learning will be at the centre of all project phases.

The non-profit theatre foundation "Fundación Teatro Joven" through its main project "LaJoven" has been created to facilitate a constellation that is unique in Europe: Young theatre professionals develop shows and theatre education programs for teeangers. LaJoven now wants to continue its own work in close exchange with colleagues elsewhere, in the spirit of a European civil society and culture of remembrance.

Data Sheet

Cooperation partner: Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz
Funding countries: Ukraine, Greece, Spain and Germany
Duration: 01.12.2022 until 31.12.2024



More about the project

Education Agenda NS-Injustice

The Magazine of the Education Agenda NS-InjusticeThe Magazine of the Education Agenda NS-Injustice

The Education Agenda NS-Injustice started in autumn 2021 with two certainties: Firstly, the survivors are passing away; there are few chances today to meet eyewitnesses who can tell us first-hand about the atrocities committed by the National Socialists. Secondly, we are increasingly entering contexts in which boundaries between fiction and fact are blurred. Under these conditions, we are dependent on new ways of learning and innovative forms of conveyance in our critical examination of National Socialist injustice and in historical-political educational work. In the magazine we present the funding program, projects and current debates.