Together with the publisher Zeitbild Verlag, the Zeitbild Foundation carries out a nationwide discussion on the topic of NS "euthanasia". Artists and school students develop artworks in workshops at five former NS "transit camps" sites.
Nationwide classroom project
With the help of Zeitbild Verlag's digital Zeitbild WISSEN, school students across Germany are dealing with the topic of NS "euthanasia" in the classroom and deriving prerequisites for an inclusive society.
Historical-artistic analysis
Artists and school students at five former NS "transit camps" sites (today hospitals or sanatoriums and nursing homes) create artworks about site-specific National Socialist crimes and exhibit them at events as façade paintings, sculptures or installations in public spaces.
Raise awareness on the importance of the NS "transit camps"
The crimes of NS "euthanasia" and the influential function of the NS "transit camps" are presented to a broad public. Digital content on the artworks will be provided using augmented reality. Cross-media work and five public events help to embed the topic in historical awareness.
About Zeitbild
As an operating foundation, the Zeitbild Foundation independently implements educational projects in schools on behalf of the German government, foundations and companies throughout Germany.
Project background
Today, there are still not sufficient creative and digital approaches to the reappraisal of National Socialist crimes to equip young people with a proper form of research and remembrance. There is very limited awareness of memorial sites relating to NS "euthanasia" among the broader public and school students. As hospitals, nursing homes, or other public institutions, the present-day operators of the sites of the former NS "transit camps" have almost no connection with the crimes of NS "euthanasia.".
Furthermore, employees, visitors, or passers-by do not encounter any special "eye-catcher" in the public space that would help them to generate an awareness and learning process based on historical facts. This is exactly where the Zeitbild Foundation comes in with the project "NS-„Euthanasie“ ERINNERN – inklusive Gesellschaft GESTALTEN" [REMEMBER NS "Euthanasia" – SHAPE an inclusive society].
Cooperaton partner: Zeitbild Verlag
Funding country: Germany
Duration: 01.01.2023 until 31.12.2024