The pilot project "Welche Stimme haben wir?" aims to involve descendants of the victims of National Socialist persecution with their diverse range of experiences, perspectives and wishes in memorial site and memory work. Under the sponsorship of the Foundation of Hamburg Memorials and Learning Centres Commemorating the Victims of Nazi Crimes, the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial is developing new formats to work with and for descendants of victims of National Socialist persecution in four subprojects across Germany; this takes place in cooperation with AMCHA Deutschland, the Federal Association Information and Advice for Survivors of Nazi Persecution and the Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum.
Participative, innovative and inclusive
New, innovative and exemplary exhibition modules, educational materials as well as other outreach formats for memorial site work are being developed in skills workshops together with the descendants of victims of National Socialist persecution. Descendants of the victims of National Socialist persecution will be integrated into the educational work at memorial sites as disseminators on a sustainable basis. The project will also provide various opportunities for people to engage in a critical examination of their own family histories.
Forward-looking and exemplary
The formats, approaches and offers developed in the pilot project aim to be exemplary and to contribute to the process of integrating descendants of the victims of National Socialist persecution as a key target group into memory and memorial site work throughout Germany.
Cooperation partner: Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial, AMCHA Deutschland e.V., Federal Association Information and Advice for Survivors of Nazi Persecution (Bundesverband Information & Beratung für NS-Verfolgte e.V.), Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum
Funding country: Germany
Period: January 1, 2024, to September 30, 2025