The Education Agenda NS-Injustice is entering its second year: More than ten new projects in the funding program are expected to begin in January 2023, including a participatory music theater piece on the heritage of Jewish composers as well as a digital mapping project on former forced labor camps on present-day soccer and sports fields.
But how long does it actually take for project ideas to come to life – from a call for applications to the first outline and planning to actual implementation? A look behind the scenes: The large-scale projects funded under the Education Agenda go through a four-step procedure.
When the call for applications is published, the EVZ Foundation's staff advise interested sponsors about how their project proposals fit the funding guidelines. The relevant organizations can then submit project outlines within the specified period.
A jury consisting of EVZ colleagues then gets an overview of the outlines and classifies them accordingly. The projects with the most convincing ideas are then invited to submit an application.
The application undergoes a further extensive audit process by EVZ staff. Finally, the applications are submitted to the committees responsible for the funding program for a recommendation and resolution: This is first of all the Advisory Board for the funding program which gives professional advice relating to applications and makes a recommendation to the Board of Trustees of the EVZ Foundation for resolution. The Board of Trustees then decides on the projects.
Finally, the program's grantor, i.e. the Federal Ministry of Finance, also audits the applications. Following their agreement, the projects are granted and then they can finally start: The projects can begin!