EVZ Conversations!

EVZ Conversations! of the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future is a digital and on-site discussion format and event series. It brings together people in the areas of politics, civil society and business from the EVZ Foundation's networks in Germany, Central and Eastern Europe as well as Israel – in public discussion events, background and expert talks or in creative and artistic formats.

The focus is on topics that are socially relevant and closely linked to the EVZ Foundation's mission and work.

In 2022, we launched the discussion series and talked with our guests, for example about the consequences of the war in Ukraine on the culture of remembrance, the situation of human rights activists in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia as well as the abduction of Ukrainian children by Russia.

You can find the best-of videos and complete recordings of past events on our YouTube channel.

Never again is now? Remembering the November pogroms in the face of rising antisemitism (11/2024)

On the night of November 9 to 10 in 1938, numerous synagogues, Jewish businesses, homes and schools were looted and destroyed in Berlin and throughout the German Reich. At least 30,000 Jews were arrested, hundreds were murdered or took their own lives. Today, 86 years later, we not only commemorate the victims of these terrible events, but also face up to the responsibility of drawing lessons for the present and the future. We ask ourselves: how can we counter the growing threat of rising antisemitism? And what role do education, a culture of remembrance and civil society play in this?

Ruth Maier (1920–1942)

They beat us! Yesterday was the most terrible day I have ever experienced. I now know what pogroms are, I know what people can do (...).
Ruth Maier (1920–1942)
Diary entry from November 11, 1938

The event was opened by Dr. Andrea Despot (Chief Executive Officer, Foundation EVZ) & Alexander Barth (Head of the Berlin, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Regional Office, Friedrich Naumann Foundation). This was followed by a reading of contemporary sources on the pogrom night by young people and a presentation of research findings and analyses on the Reichspogromnacht by Christoph Kreutzmüller (historian).

Furthermore, there was a discussion on the panel with:

  • Christoph Kreutzmüller, historian and chairman of the association Aktives Museum Faschismus und Widerstand in Berlin e.V.
  • Dr. Andrea Despot, Chief Executive Officer of the Foundation EVZ
  • Anikó Glogowski-Merten MdB, Cultural Policy Spokesperson of the Free Democrats parliamentary group in the German Bundestag
  • Marina Chernivsky, Head of the Competence Center for Education and Research Critical of antisemitism and OFEK e.V. - Counselling Centers for antisemitic Violence and Discrimination

Moderation: Dr. Wolther von Kieseritzky, consultant for historical research/public history at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. The evening was accompanied by music from the Berlin Clarinet Quartet.

Cooperation partner

The event was carried out in cooperation with Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.


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In the mirror of historical responsibility? Democratic values as a compass for entrepreneurial action (10/2024)

Against the backdrop of the rise of far-right ideologies and the associated threat to democracy and Germany as an industrial location, many companies are looking for new ways and opportunities to deal with their own past. However, even 80 years after the end of the Second World War, only a few companies are making progress in coming to terms with their own company history under National Socialism. What does (historical) corporate responsibility consist of today? What opportunities do companies have to engage with society and the culture of remembrance? And how do we build a bridge between the historical reappraisal of National Socialism and its social impact and relevance today? 

Annette Schavan

"Never again" was an illusion!
Annette Schavan

The event was opened with a welcoming speech by Annette Schavan, Chair of the Advisory Board of the Finkelstein Foundation and Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation EVZ. This was followed by a keynote speech by Dr. Daniel Logemann, Director of the Museum of Forced Labor under National Socialism.

Furthermore, there was a discussion on the panel with:

  • Markus Langer, Managing Director Evonik Foundation
  • Franzi von Kempis, communications consultant & journalist
  • Prof. Dr. Manfred Grieger, historian
  • Christoph Kübel, Foundation Initiative of German Business, Member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation EVZ 

Moderation: Dr. Andrea Despot, Chief Executive Officer of the Foundation EVZ

In addition, Annemarie Hühne-Ramm, Managing Director of the Finkelstein Foundation, gave an overview of the Finkelstein Foundation's activities. Johanna Sokoließ, a specialist advisor at the EVZ Foundation, also presented the Blended Learning-Format „Informiert, Couragiert, Engagiert“.

Cooperation partner


The event was carried out in cooperation with the Finkelstein Foundation.



  • © Stiftung EVZ

    Chairwoman of the Advisory Board of the Finkelstein Foundation & Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation EVZ

  • © Kathleen Böttcher / Museum Zwangsarbeit im Nationalsozialismus

    Director of the Museum of Forced Labor under National Socialism

  • © Björn Hänssler

    Foundation Initiative of German Business, Member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation EVZ

Right-wing populism vs. democracy? Perspectives on the European elections (06/2024)

In the run-up to the European Parliament elections and the state elections in Saxony, Brandenburg and Thuringia, there was growing concern about a further shift to the right and the serious threat this poses to the democratic order in Europe. We discussed questions that go beyond day-to-day politics with experts from academia and civil society: Is there (still) a democratic consensus on values and remembrance in the EU? What unites the right-wing populist movements in Europe and what is their vision for the future of Europe? 

To the event video

Paulina Fröhlich

Our job is to strengthen the narrative of liberal, representative and perhaps also deliberative democracy, to explain, understand and criticize it, and of course to point out its weaknesses and then to promote and defend it.
Paulina Fröhlich

The panelist:

  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Zick, Professor of Educational Science at Bielefeld University & Director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence (IKG)
  • Daniel Hegedüs, Senior Fellow at the German Marshall Fund with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe
  • Paulina Fröhlich, Deputy Managing Director of the Progressive Center

Moderation: Maria Wilke, Lead EVZ Academy

The event was carried out in cooperation with taz talk.



  • © German Marshall Fund

    Senior Fellow at the German Marshall Fund with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe

  • © Universität Bielefeld

    Professor of Educational Science at Bielefeld University & Director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence (IKG)

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Antisemitism at European universities through the ages (05/2024)

Antisemitism has not only been a problem for society as a whole since October 7, 2023. However, the massive increase in antisemitic crimes in Europe speaks for itself. Incidents, some of them violent, are occurring at universities in particular. In a moderated discussion, experts analyzed the current situation, highlighted historical continuities and discussed possible courses of action.

To the video of the talk

Hanna Veiler

We need more from politicians than empty phrases and references to an abstract reason of state.
Hanna Veiler


  • Hanna Veiler, President of the Jewish Student Union of Germany (JSUD)
  • Prof. Dr. Dan Diner, German-Israeli historian

Moderation: Joseph Wilson, Specialist Advisor at the EVZ Foundation


Uprooted – Children in War: Strengthen Victims, Punish Perpetrators (09/2023)

The abduction of children is one of the most cruel war crimes committed by Russia in its war of aggression against Ukraine. Together with experts, we examined various legal, political and social aspects. How are these war crimes carried out? What happens to the stolen children? Who can get them back and how can the perpetrators be brought to justice?

To the event video (short version)

Marieluise Beck

There won’t be any accountability for the responsible persons if Ukraine does not win the war.
Marieluise Beck

The following took part in the discussion:

  • Marieluise Beck (East Europe expert, Senior Fellow and co-founder of the Zentrum Liberale Moderne (Center for Liberal Modernity)
  • Anna Lenchovska (Executive Director of the Kyiv Educational Center "Tolerspace")
  • Dr. ElÄ«na Å teinerte (Academic and Human Rights Lawyer)
  • Dr. Andrea Despot (Chief Executive Officer of the EVZ Foundation)

Moderation: Mattia Nelles (Ukraine Expert)

The event was held in cooperation with the Maxim Gorki Theater.

The event was held in cooperation with the Maxim Gorki Theater.


Panelists of episode 7

  • © Stefan Lengsfeld

    Easteurope Expert, Senior Fellow and Co-Founder of Zentrum Liberale Moderne

  • © Valentyn Kuzan

    Executive director, Kyiv Educational Center "Tolerspace"

  • © Dr. ElÄ«na Å teinerte

    Academic and Human Rights Lawyer

  • © Amelie Losiér/Raum 11

    Chief Executive Offer of the EVZ Foundation

Civil Societies under Pressure – a conversation with Nobel Peace Prize laureates (06/2023)

In a hybrid event, representatives of the three Nobel Peace Prize laureate organizations of 2022 discussed the human rights situation in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine and the different challenges faced by the respective civil societies since the full-scale Russian war of aggression in the three countries.

To the event video (short version)

Oleksandra Matviichuk

Putin is not afraid of NATO, he is afraid of freedom, or of the idea of freedom, because it’s right on the border with Russia.
Oleksandra Matviichuk

The following took part in the discussions:

  • Oleksandra Matviichuk, Head of the Center for Civil Liberties, Ukraine (digital)
  • Natallia Pinchuk, wife of the imprisoned Ales Bialiatski, Belarus (digital)
  • Irina Scherbakowa, Historian, Founding Member and Head of the youth and educational programs of Memorial, Russia

Moderation: Dr. Andrea Despot, Chief Executive Officer of the EVZ Foundation

The event was carried out in cooperation with the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in the context of its annual theme 2023|24 "Project: Enlightenment!".

The event was carried out in cooperation with the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in the context of its annual theme 2023|24 "Project: Enlightenment!".

Panelists of episode 6

The Russian war against Ukraine. Consequences for politics of memory (02/2023)

The instrumentalization of history by Russia in the war of aggression against Ukraine has far-reaching consequences for the European culture of remembrance. Experts from politics, academia and civil society discussed how certainties in the culture of remembrance are increasingly called into question and what needs to be done to address this issue.


Anatolii Podolskyi

It is the policy of modern Russia to instrumentalize the past and to erase Ukraine as a subject from this past. It is obvious that the Russian Federation has been preparing this war during the last 20 years.
Anatolii Podolskyi

Panelists of episode 5

  • © J. Konrad Schmidt

    Minister of State for Culture

  • © privat

    Director of the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies in Kyjiw

  • © Arolsen Archives/Nikolai Marcinowski

    Director of the Arolsen Archives

More episodes

How is Putin instrumentalizing history in the war of aggression against Ukraine? And what challenges does memory work face in times of war? These and other topics were covered in past episodes of EVZ Conversations!

Discover all past episodes


Péter Adamik

Senior Project Manager

Tel.: +49 (0)30 25 92 97-18
E-Mail: adamik@stiftung-evz.de

Sonja Folsche

Digital and Events Management

Tel.: +49 (0)30 25 92 97-27
E-Mail: folsche@stiftung-evz.de

Katrin Kowark

Head of Communications

Tel.: +49 (0)30 25 92 97-24
E-Mail: kowark@stiftung-evz.de

Maria Wilke

Lead EVZ Academy

Tel.: +49 (0)30 25 92 97-92
E-Mail: wilke@stiftung-evz.de