Uprooted – Children in War: Strengthen Victims, Punish Perpetrators (09/2023)

The abduction of children is one of the most cruel war crimes committed by Russia in its war of aggression against Ukraine. Together with experts, we examined various legal, political and social aspects. How are these war crimes carried out? What happens to the stolen children? Who can get them back and how can the perpetrators be brought to justice?

To the event video (short version)

Marieluise Beck

There won’t be any accountability for the responsible persons if Ukraine does not win the war.
Marieluise Beck

The event was held in cooperation with the Maxim Gorki Theater.

The event was held in cooperation with the Maxim Gorki Theater.


Panelists of episode 7

  • © Stefan Lengsfeld

    Easteurope Expert, Senior Fellow and Co-Founder of Zentrum Liberale Moderne

  • © Valentyn Kuzan

    Executive director, Kyiv Educational Center "Tolerspace"

  • © Dr. Elīna Šteinerte

    Academic and Human Rights Lawyer

  • © Amelie Losiér/Raum 11

    Chief Executive Offer of the EVZ Foundation

Civil Societies under Pressure – a conversation with Nobel Peace Prize laureates (06/2023)

In a hybrid event, representatives of the three Nobel Peace Prize laureate organizations of 2022 discussed the human rights situation in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine and the different challenges faced by the respective civil societies since the full-scale Russian war of aggression in the three countries.

To the event video (short version)

Oleksandra Matviichuk

Putin is not afraid of NATO, he is afraid of freedom, or of the idea of freedom, because it’s right on the border with Russia.
Oleksandra Matviichuk

The following took part in the discussions:

  • Oleksandra Matviichuk, Head of the Center for Civil Liberties, Ukraine (digital)
  • Natallia Pinchuk, wife of the imprisoned Ales Bialiatski, Belarus (digital)
  • Irina Scherbakowa, Historian, Founding Member and Head of the youth and educational programs of Memorial, Russia

Moderation: Dr. Andrea Despot, Chief Executive Officer of the EVZ Foundation

The event was carried out in cooperation with the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in the context of its annual theme 2023|24 "Project: Enlightenment!".

The event was carried out in cooperation with the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in the context of its annual theme 2023|24 "Project: Enlightenment!".

Panelists of episode 6

The Russian war against Ukraine. Consequences for politics of memory (02/2023)

The instrumentalization of history by Russia in the war of aggression against Ukraine has far-reaching consequences for the European culture of remembrance. Experts from politics, academia and civil society discussed how certainties in the culture of remembrance are increasingly called into question and what needs to be done to address this issue.


Anatolii Podolskyi

It is the policy of modern Russia to instrumentalize the past and to erase Ukraine as a subject from this past. It is obvious that the Russian Federation has been preparing this war during the last 20 years.
Anatolii Podolskyi

Panelists of episode 5

  • © J. Konrad Schmidt

    Minister of State for Culture

  • © privat

    Director of the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies in Kyjiw

  • © Arolsen Archives/Nikolai Marcinowski

    Director of the Arolsen Archives

An interview with activists from Ukrainian civil society (09/2022)

For this episode, we invited activists from Ukrainian organizations to the German Foundation Day 2022 in Leipzig. What is the situation concerning culture, education and minorities in the country that has been attacked by Russia? How can Germany support Ukrainian civil society?

The following took part in the discussions:

  • Anzhelika Bielova, President of the Association of Roma women "Voice of Romni"
  • Anna Lenchovska, Executive Director of the Kyiv Educational Center "Tolerspace" (online participation)
  • Petro Rusanienko, Producer and Actor, Roma activist

 Moderation: Mattia Nelles, Ukraine expert

Panelists of episode 4

  • © Kateryna Karpenko

    President, Association of Roma women "Voice of Romni"

  • © Dana Verstak

    Executive director, Kyiv Educational Center "Tolerspace"

  • © Petro Rusanienko

    Producer and actor, Roma activist

Current challenges to memory work (05/2022)

We talked to experts about Ukraine's memories of World War II, memorial work, Europe as a joint space for remembrance, blind spots in the German and European culture of remembrance, continuities in prejudiced structures, for example anti-Slavic racism in Germany.

To the event video (short video)

Jens-Christian Wagner

National Socialism was indeed a transnational experience for the whole of Europe. That will have to be established first. Almost everyone in Europe had experienced National Socialism. But that's where the similarities end.
Jens-Christian Wagner

Panelists of episode 3

  • © Ina Schoenenburg

    Researcher and activist

  • © Gedenkstätte Buchenwald

    Director of the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation

  • © GHWK Berlin

    Head of Press and public relations at Memorial and Educational Site Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz

Images of history (in social media) in the war in Ukraine (05/2022)

Has Ukraine's history been Europe's blind spot for too long? This panel discussion highlighted gaps in memories and knowledge and also questioned simplistic images in social media. It explored question of how more understanding and empathy for Ukraine can be achieved.

To the event video (short version)

Bert Hoppe

Ukraine never really managed to get on our mental map after 1991.
Bert Hoppe

The following took part in the discussions:

  • Dr. Bert Hoppe Researcher at the Institute for Contemporary History
  • Nataliya Pryhornytska, Political Consultant and Political Educator
  • Anton Himmelspach, Director and Political Editor at dekoder

Moderation: Katrin Kowark, Head of Communications of the EVZ Foundation

Panelists of episode 2

  • © Dr. Bert Hoppe

    research associate at the Institute for Contemporary History

  • © Taras Bezpalyi

    Political consultant and political educator

  • © Kathleen Springer Photography

    Director and political editor at dekoder

History as a Reason for War: Putin's Narrative of the "Denazification of Ukraine" (04/2022)

Putin's ostensible "fight against Nazis in Ukraine" is a historical distortion and dangerous propaganda. The battle of the memory narratives relating to Second World War and National Socialist crimes forms a second level in Russia's war of aggression. In this first episode of EVZ Conversations!, we joined experts in their search for interpretations of the historical and political situation two months after the start of the full-scale war against Ukraine.

To the event video (short version)

Karl Schlögel

I am certain, for example, that the culture of remembrance, as it has developed, is going to break down. We have been talking about learning lessons from history for decades. So what lessons can we learn now that something is really happening? We've said we mustn't look away. But we do look away. We see pictures on television. We have a bad conscience, but what are we doing?
Karl Schlögel

The following took part in the discussions:

  • Nikolai Klimeniouk, Freelance Writer
  • Dr. Irina Scherbakowa, Historian, Founding Member and Head of youth and educational programs of Memorial 
  • Prof. Dr. Karl Schlögel, East Europe historian and publicist

Moderation: Dr. Andrea Despot, Chief Executive Officer of the EVZ Foundation

Panelists of episode 1

  • © Jens Liebchen


  • © Daria Krotova

    Historian, founding member and head of the youth- and educationprogramme at Memorial

  • © Arno Burgi

    Easteurope-historian and publicist


Péter Adamik

Senior Project Manager

Tel.: +49 (0)30 25 92 97-18
E-Mail: adamik@stiftung-evz.de

Sonja Folsche

Digital and Events Management

Tel.: +49 (0)30 25 92 97-27
E-Mail: folsche@stiftung-evz.de

Katrin Kowark

Head of Communications

Tel.: +49 (0)30 25 92 97-24
E-Mail: kowark@stiftung-evz.de

Maria Wilke

Lead EVZ Academy

Tel.: +49 (0)30 25 92 97-92
E-Mail: wilke@stiftung-evz.de