Strengthening Roma in Ukraine

Launched in 2023, the program is aimed at Roma self-organizations in Ukraine, which continues to suffer from war. The EVZ Foundation strengthens the communities and helps to preserve the memory of the Roma.

These objectives are achieved using various project activities:

•   Roma affected by war are receiving appropriate humanitarian support.
•   Roma organizations are strengthened and empowered on site.
•   Roma are able to participate as equal citizens in Ukrainian society.
•   Roma are in a position to impart their history and culture of remembrance.

The EVZ Foundation are currently funding six projects. These projects not only provide necessary humanitarian aid and support in obtaining access to state benefits to strengthen social participation, but also have different approaches.


Preserving memory(-ies)

In the projects of the NGOs "Terytorija neuperedshenosti j prawa" from Lviv and "Latscho Drom" from Zaporizhzhya, interviews are recorded about the experiences of the survivors of the genocide against the Roma during World War II and the Russian war against Ukraine. The recordings will be compiled and released as a book and film.

The Transcarpathian youth self-organization "Pativ" organizes history lessons at local schools and the university. The organization also runs an online information campaign on the history of the Roma. The aim of these activities is to improve the knowledge of the majority society and help to reduce prejudices against the Roma.


Legal counseling and strengthening local communities

The central Ukrainian Roma associations "Ame Roma" and "Dobrobut Solotonoschtschyny" provide comprehensive legal counseling, procure jobs, promote subsistence agriculture and thereby strengthen the local Roma communities.

The Kharkiv-based organization "Tschatschimo" seeks to form a coalition comprised of Roma and non-Roma organizations, activists, regional and local governments in the western Ukrainian city of Uzhhorod. In this way, existing support services in the region are to be coordinated, support for Roma living in the region, including internally displaced persons, is to be expanded and their equal rights in Ukrainian society are to be fostered.

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Contact people

Dr. Valentina Valtchuk

Senior Project Manager

Tel.: +49 (0)30 25 92 97-47