Three Questions for

In our column "Three Questions for ..." project partners report what they think selected funding approaches achieve.

News from our projects

  1. Three Questions for... Nicolas Moll

    In this Interview, Nicolas Moll, project manager of "Who is Walter?" in cooperation with crossborder factory, about the strengthening of trans-European remembrance of the resistance against the National Socialist regime with the focus on (post-)Yugoslav region.

  2. Three Questions for... Giorgi Kikalishvili

    In this interview, Giorgi Kikalishvili, director of the Georgian NGO 'Droni', talks about solidarity with Ukrainian civil society and the Georgian law on 'foreign agents'.

  3. Three Questions for... Vika Biran

    In this interview, Vika Biran talks about her project 'History Unit: Reframing Queer Narratives in Media'. Among other things, she talks about the responsibility of the media in the context of the persecution of queer people under National Socialism, and what the project is doing specifically to combat the rise of propaganda and violence against…

  4. Three Questions for... Dr. Andra Draghiciu

    In this interview, Dr. Andra Draghiciu, project worker for incident recording, research and public relations at the reporting and information unit for antigypsyism in Rhineland-Palatinate (MIA-RLP - Melde- und Informationsstelle Antiziganismus Rheinland-Pfalz), speaks about the dark field of antigypsy incidents and the everyday lives of those…

  5. Three Questions for... Dr. Michael Gander

    Dr. Michael Gander, director of the project "From a Place of Jubilation to a Place of Injustice – Forced Labor Camps on Soccer Pitches and Sports Fields" of the Gestapokeller and Augustaschacht Memorials speaks about historical links between football and NS forced labor as well as today's soccer fan scenes.

  6. Three Questions for Prof. Dr. Benjamin Lahusen

    In an interview, Prof. Dr. Benjamin Lahusen, head of the project "Recht ohne Recht" at the European University Viadrina, explains why the restitution of art is particularly difficult in the case of Nazi looted property, how the project "Law without Law" addresses this issue, and how it can make an important contribution to the debate.