Bringing the past back to light – Communication in and around the Holocaust

Bringing the past back to light, providing insights into destroyed worlds of thought, reconstructing broken spaces of communication: This is the aim of the project of the Museum Service (Musemsdienst) and the NS-Documentation Center of the City of Cologne.

The web portal

The central result will be a multi-layered web portal, in which the history of life and persecution of the Jewish Schönenberg family from Cologne will be presented in an exemplary manner. On the basis of self-testimonies (letters/diaries), new insights into the world of thoughts and perceptions of those affected at the time will be presented.

3D visualizations, 4D morphing elements and artistic adaptations illustrate the increasing constriction of the living environment, from middle-class apartments to the ghetto house to the transit camp and even deportation.

Links with historical eyewitness interviews embed the family history in multi-perspective points of view. Explanatory historical information and the link to the complete edition of the self-testimonies serve the purpose of contextualization.

Projections in the urban environment

Project results will also find their way directly into the urban space in the form of three large projections: In places described in the letters and diaries - where exclusion and persecution took place before the eyes of the whole of society

Museum Service and NS-Documentation Center of the City of Cologne

The Cologne Museum Service organizes educational and mediation work as well as press and public relations work for museums in Cologne. As a project sponsor, it coordinates the development of the portal and projections by a freelance team in close cooperation with the NS-Documentation Center of the City of Cologne.

Data Sheet

Funding country: Germany
Duration: 01.10.2021 until 31.12.2022 

More about the project

Education Agenda NS-Injustice

The Magazine of the Education Agenda NS-InjusticeThe Magazine of the Education Agenda NS-Injustice

The Education Agenda NS-Injustice started in autumn 2021 with two certainties: Firstly, the survivors are passing away; there are few chances today to meet eyewitnesses who can tell us first-hand about the atrocities committed by the National Socialists. Secondly, we are increasingly entering contexts in which boundaries between fiction and fact are blurred. Under these conditions, we are dependent on new ways of learning and innovative forms of conveyance in our critical examination of National Socialist injustice and in historical-political educational work. In the magazine we present the funding program, projects and current debates.